Illustration- Small is not a stepping stone

A comic illustration of the original article published by DHH.

Sanchit Agarwal
3 min readDec 6, 2020

Absolutely loved Jason Fried and DHH’s book ‘Rework’. Short, crisp, no-bullshit advice for newbie entrepreneurs, freelancers or people stuck in 9-to-5s hoping to do something of their own.

Was extremely fascinated by this section in particular and decided to make an illustrated comic of it.

In times when pumped-up influencers of LinkedIn advice you to hustle and scale-up, here were two people giving you a set of persuasive reasons on why it’s wise for one to find a sense of satisfaction in being a ‘small business’.

Although in this context, the words may have been primarily aimed at entrepreneurship and the whole ‘small business’ vs ‘big business’ debate, I feel it could apply to all professional aspects.

Whether you’re an employee or a Freelancer or an artist, scaling up blindly could come with its own set of drawbacks. While growth would be great and one should aim to better oneself, it’s also important to hold confidence and derive pleasure from wherever you are at this point in your life.

(I make more such comics on random topics on my Instagram. Have a look around and see if you like something.)

